Our Mission

Capt'n Red Legs Greaves with maties, Kosh and Charley.

Capt’n Red Legs Greaves with maties, Kosh and Charley.

Argh, maties. This be the home of Captain Red Legs Greaves and his parrots, Kosh and Charley. We be in support of Ms. Lu’s Home for Wayward Parrots, or Melbourne Avian Rescue Sanctuary as it be named officially.  In addition to boarding vessels at sea, we be available for public appearances, parties, and any event to get bootie for the deserving birds.

On other pages ye be finding the story of Red Legs and information about Pirates and Parrots. Comments be welcomed, but I’ll cut off the ears of any scallywag who says anything inappropriate around ladies or young’uns who may be lurkin’ about!

    Red Legs Greaves

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